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Übergang Schule Beruf für Eltern

From school to work

The future of your child is important to you. You want it to take a career path after school, where it is happy and satisfied.

But which way is the right one? With more than 350 recognized apprenticeships and several 1000 courses of study not an easy decision ...

Systematic career orientation is therefore an important tool for your child. You can and should accompany your child in this process.

On this page we have collected some information for you. What is the initiative "Kein Abschluss ohne Anschluss" (translated: "No Graduation without Continuation")? How is the transition from school to work organized? Which steps does your child go through? What happens in school?

Choose your language to get the information.

Erläuterungen und Hinweise


  • Stadt Wuppertal
  • Stadt Wuppertal
  • Stadt Wuppertal
  • Stadt Wuppertal
  • Stadt Wuppertal
  • Stadt Wuppertal

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